Figuring It All Out

Consider you have the following needs/limitations:

  • A Windows host
  • A desire to use Packer to build Windows VMs
  • A desire to use Ansible to provision Windows VMs
  • No support for nested virtualization

In my personal case, I’m using a Windows 10 Home edition which lacks certain virtualization features you might find in the Pro version (like running Hyper-V). So I’m using VirtualBox as the hypervisor. I also have Ubuntu running on WSL.

Ready to get started, I installed packer and ansible. I know Packer directly calls VBoxManage.exe (Windows) or vboxmanage (Linux) underneath, and that was installed on my Windows side. I verified I could see it in WSL:

braheezy@homebase:~/windows-pipeline$ VBoxManage.exe --version

Nice! Microsoft’s promise holds up. Indeed, we can see in it our path:

braheezy@homebase:~/windows-pipeline$ echo $PATH
blahblahblah:/mnt/c/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox

To get on the same page, here’s what the working directory looks like.

braheezy@homebase:~/windows-pipeline$ ls
floppy  template.pkr.hcl  windows10.iso
  • floppy/: Directory of files Packer will upload as a floppy drive to help bootstrap Windows
  • template.pkr.hcl: The Packer template
  • windows10.iso: The Windows 10 install disc

Cool. Let’s invoke the packer build command and see what happens.

braheezy@homebase:~/windows-pipeline$ packer build template.pkr.hcl
virtualbox-iso.test: output will be in this color.

Build 'virtualbox-iso.test' errored after 43 milliseconds 621 microseconds: Failed creating VirtualBox driver: exec: "VBoxManage": executable file not found in $PATH

==> Wait completed after 43 milliseconds 753 microseconds

==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
--> virtualbox-iso.test: Failed creating VirtualBox driver: exec: "VBoxManage": executable file not found in $PATH

==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.

Oh…Fine. Let’s create a symlink and trick packer into calling the executable.

braheezy@homebase:~/windows-pipeline$ sudo ln -s /mnt/c/Program\ Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe /usr/local/bin/VBoxManage

braheezy@homebase:~/windows-pipeline$ packer build template.pkr.hcl
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Retrieving ISO
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Trying windows10.iso
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Trying windows10.iso?checksum=md5%3A3e62ce57edcad33f89f1edb4f55fe24a
==> virtualbox-iso.test: windows10.iso?checksum=md5%3A3e62ce57edcad33f89f1edb4f55fe24a => /home/braheezy/z_drive/windows-pipeline/windows10.iso
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Creating floppy disk...
    virtualbox-iso.test: Copying files flatly from floppy_files
    virtualbox-iso.test: Copying directory: floppy
    virtualbox-iso.test: Adding file: floppy/Autounattend_bios.xml
    virtualbox-iso.test: Adding file: floppy/Autounattend_efi.xml
    virtualbox-iso.test: Adding file: floppy/ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1
    virtualbox-iso.test: Adding file: floppy/fixnetwork.ps1
    virtualbox-iso.test: Done copying files from floppy_files
    virtualbox-iso.test: Collecting paths from floppy_dirs
    virtualbox-iso.test: Resulting paths from floppy_dirs : []
    virtualbox-iso.test: Done copying paths from floppy_dirs
    virtualbox-iso.test: Copying files from floppy_content
    virtualbox-iso.test: Done copying files from floppy_content
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Creating ephemeral key pair for SSH communicator...
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Created ephemeral SSH key pair for communicator
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Creating virtual machine...
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Creating hard drive output-test/packer-test-1651809462.vdi with size 40000 MiB...
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Mounting ISOs...
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Deleting any current floppy disk...
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Attaching floppy disk..
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Creating forwarded port mapping for communicator (SSH, WinRM, etc) (host port 3288)
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Starting the virtual machine...
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Waiting 5s for boot...
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Typing the boot command...
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Using WinRM communicator to connect:
==> virtualbox-iso.test: Waiting for WinRM to become available...

Success! At least for Packer. Here’s hoping the answer file is correct…

Other Failures

On my Windows computer, I have a C: drive on one physical SSD and another Z: drive on a different physical SSD. The Z: drive usually holds development projects, including the windows-pipeline project above originally.

VirtualBox did not like all this nonsense with different drive letters and WSL. It threw errors like this:

==> virtualbox-iso.test: Error attaching ISO: VBoxManage error: VBoxManage.exe: error: Could not find file for the medium 'Z:\mnt\z\windows-pipeline\windows10.iso' (VERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)

Agreed, that path does not exist.

Even after doing more “tricks” to get VirtualBox to see the ISO, it would later fail to find the floppy.vfd that Packer had made in the /tmp directory. This led me down the roundabout rabbit hole of finding/modifying this script and eventually I getting everything to work on my beloved Z: drive. But all I had to do the whole time was copy it somewhere to the local WSL filesystem.

Due to terrible performance of the Windows VM, I thought about setting up GPU passthrough to give it a boost. That research let me find out it’s impossible to do that on my Windows 10 Home computer and subsequently, re-installing Linux to that second SSD.

And so ends a naive attempt at virtualization at home with Windows. Just use Linux.